Marilyn Manson Fans hier rein

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 23.10.2005
Beiträge: 554
Wohnort: Berlin

Marilyn Manson Fans hier rein

Beitragvon black-sirius » Mi 30 Nov, 2005 21:16

Also ich bin ja absoluter Manson Fan, vor allem seine Texte sind toll ich würde es toll finden wenn ihr in diesen Thread schreibt wie ihr zu ihm steht.

Für den Anfang setzt ich mal ein paar Texte von ihm hier rein ( es wäre auch toll News, Songs und anderes hier rein zu schreiben )


I don't want you and I don't need you
don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
the weak ones are there to justify the strong
the beautiful people, the beautiful people
it's all relative to the size of your steeple
you can't see the forest for the trees
you can't smell
your own shit on your knees
Hey you, what do you see?
something beautiful, something free?
hey you, are you trying to be mean?
if you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean
there's no time to discriminate,
hate every motherfucker
that's in your way
the worms will live in every host
it's hard to pick which one they eat most
the horrible people, the horrible people
it's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
capitalism has made it this way,
old-fashioned fascism
will take it away


I don't care if your world is ending today
I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted famous, so I drew you a heart
But now I'm not an artist I'm a fucking work of art
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I am a bonetop, a death's head
On a mopstick
You infected me, took diamonds
I took all your shit
Your "sell-by date" expired,
So you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and
Vivi-sex symbol.
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt
But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT


Today I am dirty
And I want to be pretty
Tomorrow, I know I'm just dirt

Today I am dirty
And I want to be pretty
Tomorrow, I know I'm just dirt

We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are

We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are

Yesterday I was dirty
wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

Yesterday I was dirty
wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are

We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodies
when we're dead,
they'll know just who we are

Some children died the other day
we fed machines and then we prayed
puked up and down in morbid faith
you should have seen the ratings that day


Sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody's looking for something.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to get used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.

I wanna use you and abuse you.
I wanna know what's inside you.

(Whispering and Moaning: Hold your head up, movin' on.
Keep your head up, movin' on.)
(Repeat Three Times) Movin' on! (Repeat First Verse)

I'm gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside.

Gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside you.
sirius black is back

Gründerin von " Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes"
Midglied bei der Anti Umbridge AG

Elsbeth Wood

Beitragvon Elsbeth Wood » Do 01 Dez, 2005 07:18

MM, der Herr, mein Meister!
Aber im Moment gibts ja nichts neues von ihm, schade!
Wusstest du, dass MM sich früher oft hinter seiner Mom versteckt hat, wenn Leute kamen die er nicht kannte?

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 38
Registriert: 18.11.2005
Beiträge: 1444
Wohnort: Hinamizawa

Beitragvon Draco-Malfoy » Do 01 Dez, 2005 12:04

ich find MM nicht schlecht ich hab 3 Albem vom besten gefällt mir Personal Jesus.aber das ich jetzt ein fan bin würde ich nicht sagen^^
>>Er hat mir befohlen es zu tun oder er wird mich töten ich hab keine Wahl<<!

Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 34
Registriert: 24.07.2005
Beiträge: 36397
Wohnort: Deutschland, München

Beitragvon Ripper » Do 01 Dez, 2005 19:49

Naja is eure Meinung und ich hab bestimmt gaar kein recht hier reinzuposten Aber muss wegen jedem Künstler nen Tread öfnnen????
