Stephenie Meyer - Bis(s) zum Morgengrauen

Welt des Lichts
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Alter: 30
Registriert: 15.10.2008
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Wohnort: Im Garten Eden

Beitragvon ~Alice~ » So 01 Feb, 2009 17:05

Hmm, du hast recht, dann wäre das buch wirklich zu dick geworden^^ aber was mich doch mal interessieren würde, was empfindet nessie bei jacob, weil sie ist ja halb vampir halb mensch, also muss sie auch den gestank der werwölfe wahrnehmen... und hat sie sich dann automatisch auch in ihn verliebt, oder ist es eher so ein großer bruder^^
Live. Love. Laugh.

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 34
Registriert: 28.01.2009
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Beitragvon LunyLoveGood » So 01 Feb, 2009 17:55

sind die spoiler zum 4ten buch oder zum Film? trau
mich nicht drauf xD hab es 4te noch nicht gelesen und will auch voher nix wissen
deswegen frag ich ^^

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 36
Registriert: 03.06.2007
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Beitragvon Vanadis » So 01 Feb, 2009 18:07

Die Spoiler sind zum 4. Band, also besser nicht lesen in deinem Fall ;)

Ich vermute, dass Renesmee *hust* :lol: sich schon in Jacob verliebt, wenn sie ausgewachsen ist. Das wäre sonst doof, finde ich. :lol:
Ich muss ja sagen, dass es mich gar nicht gestört hat, dass im 4. Band nicht alles bis auf's letzte Detail ausgeführt wurde. Mehr Platz für die eigene Phantasie. Nur an einer Stelle hätte ich mir etwas mehr Detailgenauigkeit gewünscht - auch wenn das Buch dann vermutlich nicht mehr jugendfrei gewesen wäre. Diese schamvolle Zurückhaltung hätte sie sich da aber wirklich sparen können. Denn JEDER oder eher JEDE wollte das lesen!!! :wink: Ihr wisst, wovon ich rede. ;) *grummel*
„Wo kämen wir hin, wenn jeder sagte, wo kämen wir hin und keiner ginge, um zu sehen, wohin wir kämen, wenn wir gingen.“ Kurt Marti

Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2005
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Wohnort: Velaris

Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Mo 02 Feb, 2009 02:06

Hm, also ich hab das 4. jetzt auch durch auf Englisch. Fühl mich auch ganz plemplem momentan *g* Ich kann es kaum abwarten, das Deutsche zu lesen... aber dann ists schon vorbei.

Nun zum Inhalt.

1. Glaube ich, dass die Bücher eine Fortsetzung haben werden. Alles schliesst darauf hin. Das Geheimnis um Renesme und Jake, die Volturi werden sicher auch wiederkommen, denn zufrieden sind sie ja nicht, und die anderen Vampire werden wohlmöglich irgendwann in Zukunft doch gegen die Volturi kämpfen müssen.

2. Glaube ich, dass Bella ihr Talent als Vampir nicht umsonst hat. Schon als Mensch hat man bei ihr gemerkt, dass sie alle in Schutz nehmen wollte. Jakob wollte sie beschützen (gegen die Sam-Gruppe), Edward wollte sie beschützen (vor sich selbst), Charlie wollte sie beschützen. Und sich selbst konnte sie nie beschützen. Ihr Körper hat einfach nach der Verwandlung einen Abwehrmechanismus "eingebaut", dass alle und sich selbst beschützen kann. Ich fands unglaublich toll, dass die tollpatschige Bella sich so entwickelt hat als Vampir, so intelligent und eigenständig und stark. Das hat es meiner Meinung nach gebraucht.

3. Ich bin so froh, dass das ganze doch ein Happy-End hatte. Ich wäre nicht zufrieden damit gewesen, wenn Bella, Edward und die Cullens gestorben wären und Jake mit Messie nach Rio abhauen müsste. Das hätte einfach nicht gepasst, irgendwann muss das ganze Weglaufen und die vielen Kämpfe auch ein Ende haben. Es wäre einfach psychologisch allen Fans unzumutbar gewesen xD wären Edward und Bella "gestorben". Hihi.

Ich fands einfach genial.... ich hoffe es kommt noch was.... und freu mich auf die Filme, bin gespannt wie sie das umsetzen wollen xD
"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 15.10.2008
Beiträge: 8057
Wohnort: Im Garten Eden

Beitragvon ~Alice~ » Mo 02 Feb, 2009 16:19

Diese stelle die du da angesprochen hast, vanadis... da kann ich nur 'auf jeden fall' sagen^^ und dann schreibt sie doch tatsächlich gar nichts darüber, nur das sie dann halt tiefer ins meer schwimmen -.- das mit der fortsetzung wäre eigentlich logisch, wenn ich mir so deine punkte durchlese amelia^^ und was bella betrifft, sie ist ja jetzt eigentlich das komplette gegenteil zum menschen.. klar, die typischen sachen, wie stärke schönheit etc, aber wie du auch gesagt hast, amelia, das mit dem schutzmechanismus... das klingt für mich ziemlich logisch^^ ich hatte mir vorher eigentlich gar keine gedanken darüber gemacht^^
Live. Love. Laugh.

Germine Shliz
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 06.10.2005
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Wohnort: Hollywood Hills - Los Angeles

Beitragvon Germine Shliz » Mo 02 Feb, 2009 18:34

Wenn diese tollen Nächte genauer beschrieben worden wären, dann will ich ned wissen wie doof ich DANN im Kopf wäre xD
Auf ne Forsetzung hoffe ich auch...
Und ich hoffe auch GANZ BALD... Sonst langweil ich mich zu tode xD

Ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt, wie sich Renesmee entwickelt.
Wie sie aussieht und wie sie zu Jacob steht.
Das ist alles noch Stoff genug für ein Paar Bücher xD
Sing once again with me our strange duet
Your power over me grows stronger yet

Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2005
Beiträge: 13643
Wohnort: Velaris

Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Mo 02 Feb, 2009 19:46

*lach* wie Recht du hast Germy. :mrgreen:
"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."

Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2005
Beiträge: 13643
Wohnort: Velaris

Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Mi 04 Feb, 2009 01:05

Ich hab ne tolle Liste entdeckt :mrgreen: Die fettgedruckten treffen bei mir zu xDDDDDDDDDDDD !!!

Twenty Ways to Tell if You are obsessed With Twilight:

1. You are banned from saying the names of the characters in Twilight in your own house.
2. Your mom/dad bought you Twilight, New Moon, or Eclipse just so you would shut up about it
3. Every time you see a Volvo, you try to speed up to see if it’s Edward.
4. You watch the Harry Potter movies just to see Robert Pattinson.
5. You want to move to Forks
6. You think Kristen Stewart is awesome
7. You think Robert Pattison is awesome

8. You think Ashley Green is awesome
9. You think Nikki Reed is awesome
10. You have pictures and quotes of Twilight everywhere
11. Topaz is your favorite stone
12. You know that Vampires are real
13. You don’t have a crush anymore because you know no one compares to Edward
14. If you had a dog/wolf you would name him JACOB
15. Quotes from Twilight are used in everyday conversations
16. You read cast interviews for the Twilight Movie
17. You have had multiple Edward dreams
18. You check a fan site everyday
19. You looked up everyone in the movie on IMDB
20. You made a Twilight play list on your iPod
21. You finished each book in less than 4 hours and didn’t put the book down once

22. You want to move to Forks, Seattle, Phoenix, or Port Angeles.
23. Your myspace is Twilight-ified.
24. You don't like most guys’ cause they are not Edward
25. You think about Edward almost 24/ 7

26. You try and convince your boyfriend to wear body glitter just so he sparkles in the sunlight
:lol: :lol:

You know you are obsessed when...

your heart leaps when you see a silver volvo drive by
you think about him all day (AND PROUD OF IT)

you remember everything he says
you stealth around pretending youre a vampire
you want to play baseball in a thunderstrom
you drink cranberry juice... just to pretend
you doodle his name
you cant put the book down if hes a part of it
you hunt mountain lion
you compare every guy to edward
you hate rosalie!!
you pretend to read minds
you run really fast (or at least try to)

you feel bad for charlie
you love meadows
you suspect people of being vampires
you think that pale is the new tan
you use twilight related affairs in homework assignments -such as vocabulary sentences
you think the cullens are the new brady bunch
you google his character even though he isn't real

you always have a book on hand
you spend countless hours on fanfiction is your homepage
you quote the book in everyday conversation
you fantisize about fangs
you spend rainy days pretending to be in Forks
you will name your first born, boy/girl, after a character
you put on white makeup and purple eyes shadow and
then go out in public....and even hiss at strangers
you downloaded "Clair De Lune"

you interogate pale people why they don't like the sun
you persue a career in dentistry to find someone with
you friended Edward Cullen on facebook
you casually migrate away from redheads in a crowd
you explore abandoned houses looking for the Cullens
you are afraid of dance studios

the topic of being immortal pops up in regular conversation. xDDDD

If you/you've..

... look out your bedroom window at night and wish Edward would climb through it and sing you a lullabye to sleep...
... squeal at the sight of a Volvo, especially shiny silver ones...
...ever almost gotten into an accident cause you were too busy staring or following a Volvo while driving...
... despaired at how your 'real' boyfriend or husband just cant be dazzling/perfect/dreamy/insert-your-dilemma-here like Edward...

.. cant stop associating things to Edward (Debussy! Linkin Park! Muse! Mountain Lions! Chicago! Oregon! Seattle! Heroin (well, your own brand of)! Bronze-colored hair! Lullabyes! Topaz! Feather pillows! Volvos! Anaphase and the other stages of Mitosis! Blood-typing at Bio class! the Spanish influenza!) and turn practically almost every conversation into a Twilight reference...

... ever drive really, really fast and think 'Holy Crow! I'm driving like a Cullen' or 'I hate driving slow!'...
.. ever wanted to jump in front of a van to see if Edward will jump in and save you...
.. heard something outside your window at night and thought, 'OMG, its a vampire!'

.. ever felt proud that you're a Brunette, or wished you were one, cause Edward prefers them...
.. freak out at the very mention of the name 'Edward', even if it was over the PA system of a grocery store, or a random mention while you're channel-surfing..

... ever gone to the doctor and wondered where Carlisle was so you can ask him about Edward...

... wanted to move to a new town because nobody is pale and sparkly where you live...
...wished a certain vampire would kidnap you and hold you hostage?...
.. wondered whether that boy ignoring you in school is only doing that cause he's a vampire and it would be 'more prudent' if you werent friends with him...

.. wished you woke up covered in feathers.. or broke your bed's headboard.. yes, for THAT reason..

.. ever asked this very important question: 'Dammit, Edward, Why Arent You Real?!!'...

Then you are obsessed.

And not just with Edward, really...

Have you ever...
...wanted to go shopping with Alice?
...wished Alice would plan your party?
...wanted a bear hug from Emmett?
...wanted to go arm-wrestling with Emmett? or smash houses?!
...wished Jasper was around to soothe you?
...wished your boyfriend's family would cook 'Italiano' for you, eventhough your name isn't 'Bella'?
...wished Jacob was your favorite mechanic too- or your own personal sun?


Wer ist hier ein Freak????


1. be inhumanly attractive
2. drive 200 km/h
3. save you from death
4. have an amazing body
5. be incredibly wealthy
6. be too much of a gentleman
7. have an elegant way of walking
8. be inhumanly strong
9. crooked smile
10. have an extended and sophisticaded vocabulary
11. be really smart
12. good taste in music
13. smell extraordinarily nice
14. suddenly appear out of nowhere and kiss you
passionately tell you that you ARE beautiful, not that you look beautiful
16. to be able to enter to your room without anyone
17. be willing to sacrifice his life to save yours
18. have eyes only for you even if he is sorrounded by
hot girls
19. be able to read minds except yours.
20. quote romeo (william shakespeare)
21. stand in front of you in a protective way when you
are in danger
22. give you his jacket when you are cold
23. to stay young, gorgeous, and sexy forever
24. have morals
25. love you for what you are inside, not for how you look
26. be charming
27. be jealous of your guy friends (jacob, mike, etc...)
28. sparkle in the sunlight
29. write you a song
30. wait for the ideal girl to come along
31. be a virgin!
32. whisper nice things to your ear
33. be able to make you beautiful and inmortal
34. tell you that the outside world holds no interest for
him without you
35. be comprehensive
36. have a nice family
37. play the piano
38. kiss you in the middle of a fight
39.always pay everything
40. hug you behind your back
41. have been pretty much single since 1901
42. hold your face while he kisses you
43. do not sleep at night, stay by your side taking care of you
44. speak no lies
45. have a good taste in clothes
46. have beautiful and expresive eyes
47. own amazing cars
48. be able to carry you with no effort
49. tell you that you are the closest to heaven that he
will ever get
50. be willing to spend eternity by your side

Jaaahhh.... und es kommen noch meeehr!

You Know You're in Love with Edward Cullen when...

1. You constantly re-read Twilight and New Moon just to picture him in your mind.
2. You compare people you see to him
3. Suddenly you want a man who can play the piano, run really fast, lift cars, and is sensitive to the thoughts of people around him.
4. It's your life-long dream to visit Forks, Washington.

5. In science when you had to choose a city to research weather on, you picked Forks, WA because that's where Edward lives.
6. You daydream about becoming a vampire and living forever with Edward.
7. You obsess about meeting him and then you're put out when you remember he's a fictional character.
8. You create a screen name and incorporate his name into it.

9. You get annoyed by non-Twilight readers who have never heard of Edward Cullen and insist that they read it and never give up until they do.

10. You start to dream about him and half hope that he will come in through your window.
11. You have a compulsive obsession with copying down every new Eclipse Quote of the Day and savor the ones by Edward.
12. You fantasize about marrying Edward and naming your children after him.
13. If Bella doesn't want to marry Edward in Eclipse, then you fully volunteer.
14. In fact, you've already facebook married youself to him, just in case.

15. You hate Mike.
16. You wish Emmett was your big brother.
17. You think Jessica Stanley is "unoriginal".
18. You prefer men who literally sparkle in the sun.
19. You've developed a taste for silver Volvos and cars in general.
20. You create Facebook groups about him.
21. You belong to way too many Edward/Twilight Facebook groups. Momentan sinds glaub ich um die 46 Gruppen ^^'
22. You'd jump off a cliff to hear his voice.
23. You're almost unhealthfully looking forward to Edward's version of Twilight.
24. You're sure it will be your favorite in the series by far, based on the sole fact that it will be from Edward's point of view.
25. You are fiercely opposed to the Bella/Jacob ship only because you know it will make Edward sad.

26. You look up to Carlisle.
27. In fact, you believe Carlisle to be the Twilight version of Dumbledore.
28. You think of Esme and Carlisle as your second set of parents.
29. You're sensitive to blood.
30. You don't have a problem with putting yourself in danger because you're confident Edward will save you.
31. You loathe Jane.
32. You find his formal, polite articulate endearing.
33. You've developed a fondness for mountain lions.
34. You've become snotty towards Tyler.
35. Your favorite gemstone is topaz.
36. You admire his wit and humor.
37. You wish you could stay seventeen forever.
38. You love cloudy days.
39. You can appreciate Debussy.
40. You're thinking of going to college in Alaska.
41. The ripping of 60 inch plasma screen TV's is not surprising to you.
42. You are probably more thankful than you should be for the outbreak of the Spanish influenza in 1918.
43. He's the new Leonardo DiCaprio.
44. He's just so damn gorgeous.
45. You cannot fathom how anyone could resist marrying Edward.
46. You walk, talk, breathe, and dream Edward.

47. When the Special Edition of New Moon came out, you went straight to Barnes & Noble the first chance you could get and asked the lady who works there if they had any and when she said no you almost busted an artery but then calmed down when you saw about a dozen of them on a shelf - about 10 feet away.

48. You won't give up. EDWARD IS REAL!!

49. Even though Edward is supposed to have bronze hair, you personally picture him with dark hair, contrary to what the book says.
50. During your summer vacation, you visit Chicago because it's where Edward was born.
51. You buy Twilight in Spanish and you're going to READ it.
52. You want Edward to take you out, only pay attention to you, and not notice the hot waitress throwing herself at him.
53. Instead of relating lyrics to songs to your own life, like most people do, you relate them to Edward and Bella's lives.
54. You like to try out the name "Mrs. Edward Cullen" on your school notebooks, you know, just in case.
55. You'll pitch a fit if they don't cast someone hot enough to be Edward for the movie.
56. *sigh* they did and now you can relax, but he's not actually EDWARD he's just AN Edward.
57. You're 100% certain that if you were to meet Edward, he would fall hopelessly in love with you, and no one else.

"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."

Germine Shliz
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 06.10.2005
Beiträge: 6290
Wohnort: Hollywood Hills - Los Angeles

Beitragvon Germine Shliz » So 08 Feb, 2009 09:23

Also Mel xD
Das ist wirklich VIEL ...
Ich hab nur mal die ersten 3 kopiert und das was nicht zutrifft rausgelöscht xDDDD

Mal sehen wie freakig ich drauf bin xD

Twenty Ways to Tell if You are obsessed With Twilight:

3. Every time you see a Volvo, you try to speed up to see if it’s Edward.
4. You watch the Harry Potter movies just to see Robert Pattinson.
7. You think Robert Pattison is awesome
8. You think Ashley Green is awesome

12. You know that Vampires are real
13. You don’t have a crush anymore because you know no one compares to Edward
15. Quotes from Twilight are used in everyday conversations
16. You read cast interviews for the Twilight Movie
17. You have had multiple Edward dreams
20. You made a Twilight play list on your iPod
24. You don't like most guys’ cause they are not Edward
25. You think about Edward almost 24/ 7

You know you are obsessed when...

your heart leaps when you see a silver volvo drive by
you think about him all day (AND PROUD OF IT)
you remember everything he says
you stealth around pretending youre a vampire

you compare every guy to edward
you hate rosalie!!

you suspect people of being vampires

you quote the book in everyday conversation
you fantisize about fangs
you spend rainy days pretending to be in Forks
you will name your first born, boy/girl, after a character
you put on white makeup and purple eyes shadow and
then go out in public....
and even hiss at strangers
you explore abandoned houses looking for the Cullens

If you/you've..

... look out your bedroom window at night and wish Edward would climb through it and sing you a lullabye to sleep...
...ever almost gotten into an accident cause you were too busy staring or following a Volvo while driving...
... despaired at how your 'real' boyfriend or husband just cant be dazzling/perfect/dreamy/insert-your-dilemma-here like Edward...

.. cant stop associating things to Edward (Debussy! Linkin Park! Muse! Mountain Lions! Chicago! Oregon! Seattle! Heroin (well, your own brand of)! Bronze-colored hair! Lullabyes! Topaz! Feather pillows! Volvos! Anaphase and the other stages of Mitosis! Blood-typing at Bio class! the Spanish influenza!) and turn practically almost every conversation into a Twilight reference...

.. ever wanted to jump in front of a van to see if Edward will jump in and save you...
.. heard something outside your window at night and thought, 'OMG, its a vampire!'

.. ever felt proud that you're a Brunette, or wished you were one, cause Edward prefers them...
.. freak out at the very mention of the name 'Edward', even if it was over the PA system of a grocery store, or a random mention while you're channel-surfing..

...wished a certain vampire would kidnap you and hold you hostage?...
.. wondered whether that boy ignoring you in school is only doing that cause he's a vampire and it would be 'more prudent' if you werent friends with him...

.. wished you woke up covered in feathers.. or broke your bed's headboard.. yes, for THAT reason..

.. ever asked this very important question: 'Dammit, Edward, Why Arent You Real?!!'...

und 1 noch 48. You won't give up. EDWARD IS REAL!!

Hat Spaß gemacht xD
Sing once again with me our strange duet
Your power over me grows stronger yet

Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2005
Beiträge: 13643
Wohnort: Velaris

Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Mo 09 Feb, 2009 00:49

*lach* anja du bist verrückt! :lol: Den find ich auch soooooooo klasse:

.. wished you woke up covered in feathers.. or broke your bed's headboard.. yes, for THAT reason..

:mrgreen: Oh my, was ich nicht alles tun würde DAFÜR! <3333
"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."

Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 08.09.2005
Beiträge: 19789

Beitragvon Creacher » Do 19 Mär, 2009 21:36

Jetzt ist es hier ja so leer ohne Mel! :(

Also ich lese grad den letzten Band auf Deutsch - kannte ihn bisher nur auf Englisch. Und ich habe sogar von Edward geträumt.... Aber er dort nicht wirklich so wie im Buch - er war eher zynisch, angriffslustig und wollte mich beißen - also töten, nicht zu seiner Vampirbraut machen... :roll: Doofer Traum.

Und wie sieht es in diesem Thread aus mit dem Spoiler? Haben alle alles gelesen?

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 30.07.2008
Beiträge: 9215

Beitragvon Ashlyn » Do 19 Mär, 2009 21:37

Ja, klar^^..

Und wenn, jetzt ist es ja raus^^

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing | Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before | But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token [...] | poe (the raven)

Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 08.09.2005
Beiträge: 19789

Beitragvon Creacher » Do 19 Mär, 2009 21:41

Was ist raus? Ich hab doch nichts verraten! :lol:

Aber ich denke auch, dass wir hier die Spoiler weg lassen können. Die meisten sind ja total gespannt und lesen das schnell durch.

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 14.09.2008
Beiträge: 1485
Wohnort: Dort, wo`s langhaarige Kerle gibt und Frauen die sie lieben ;-)

Beitragvon Cimbi » Do 19 Mär, 2009 21:41

Nee, habe nicht alles gelesen was hier stand, oich hab ja die Bücher gelesen...bin gerade dabei Band 2 nochmal zu lesen...
"Wann bin ich daheim?" "Niemals. Und wenn er kommt? Dann sterben wir."

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 30.07.2008
Beiträge: 9215

Beitragvon Ashlyn » Do 19 Mär, 2009 21:42

Na, das Ende ist raus^^ :lol:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing | Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before | But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token [...] | poe (the raven)