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Talking English

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 28.11.2006
Beiträge: 7788
Wohnort: Da und dort, wo auch immer...

Beitragvon Nuramon » Do 17 Jun, 2010 01:01

Ye, of cause you need english lessons, till you reach that certain level.
But no more after that. Better to learn by yourself.

That's just my opinion^^

Hilaria Felinely
Welt des Zwielichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2008
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Wohnort: Unterfranken/Oberfranken

Beitragvon Hilaria Felinely » Do 17 Jun, 2010 10:20

Also, it always depends on the teacher you have. During my last two school years in which I took English as "Leistungskurs", I had the best teacher imaginable. But the other "Leistungskurs" (we had two for English because lots of pupils chose to take English) had quite bad luck and didn't learn a lot. In the end it was my course who got the better A-level results :D
The atmosphere in my course was absolutely great, we had lots of fun. And it's always better and more fun to learn when you like the subject and the teacher you have.
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.
There is no middle ground.

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 28.11.2006
Beiträge: 7788
Wohnort: Da und dort, wo auch immer...

Beitragvon Nuramon » Do 17 Jun, 2010 14:19

Yeah, surely it depends on the teacher you have.
And everybody must decide on his/her own, if the school-english is usefull for him/her (:

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » Do 17 Jun, 2010 18:38

hi everybody

Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 15.08.2009
Beiträge: 8330
Wohnort: Rostock

Beitragvon Nyala » Do 17 Jun, 2010 20:18

Wow, the last line reminds me of the Annoying Orange. :mrgreen:
Good evening.^^

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » Do 17 Jun, 2010 20:42

hehe.. he's so awesome

hey hey apple.. you look fruity
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 15.08.2009
Beiträge: 8330
Wohnort: Rostock

Beitragvon Nyala » Do 17 Jun, 2010 20:45

You know it?^^
Tomorrow comes a new episode, but I think that "Hey Apple!" is classic. :mrgreen:

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » So 04 Jul, 2010 21:35

oh man.. what happened again?

am i the only one who wants to talk here?

i really don't think/hope so
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 22.07.2009
Beiträge: 7460

Beitragvon Fuzzle » Mi 04 Aug, 2010 15:11

As for me, I got scared off by those crackbrained Gryffindors and Ravenclaws planning to rule the world. They seem to have dropped that plan, though - or they've just come to understand that it is not wise to plan such things publicly. :angel:

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » Mi 04 Aug, 2010 15:21

oh come on.

let's stop this "war".
love love love

.. chrm chrm

we are not crackbrained.

how are things?
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 22.07.2009
Beiträge: 7460

Beitragvon Fuzzle » Mi 04 Aug, 2010 17:12

I'm afraid I can't stop this war-thing. That would be against my Slytherin-nature. :oops:

I'm fine, and I wish I could say the same thing about the weather. :blume:

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » Mi 04 Aug, 2010 18:53

i'll ignore every slytherin/gryffindor etc. comment...

the weather here is awesome :) but tomorrow it'll rain.. and that sucks. big time
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 22.07.2009
Beiträge: 7460

Beitragvon Fuzzle » Do 05 Aug, 2010 01:31

So I take it you don't want me comment on Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, either? Oh well. I can't promise being ignored will keep me from doing that. :oops:

It's been cold and rainy here for almost two weeks now.

Weißer Magier
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 31
Registriert: 20.12.2005
Beiträge: 8559
Wohnort: Graz

Beitragvon Dáirine » Do 05 Aug, 2010 01:42

lalalalalal i can't hear you
(see it works^^)

well the weather here wasn't nice either but the last two days were sunny and hot.
and i had plans for tomorrow.. but nah.. i'll have to make new ones. or get wet
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,
Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
And die as fast as they see others grow;

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 15.08.2009
Beiträge: 8330
Wohnort: Rostock

Beitragvon Nyala » So 31 Okt, 2010 12:02

*comes in, holding a duster in her hand*

Holy shit, what a mess! :lol:

*starts to get rid of the dust of this thread*