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Talking English

Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Jagar » Di 23 Okt, 2012 22:11

I don't suggest anything. It's all in your imagination :D
Hooker...what a rude word. Better say courtesan to them.
I know, that you are a smart girl, so I guess, you can get good grades with your brain :D

Zoe St.Claire
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Beitragvon Zoe St.Claire » Di 23 Okt, 2012 23:48

Oh wow... haven't been here for a while. Very strange - but after 6 weeks in Spain, where I talked ever language I know and even a few i don't know, I feel almost more comfortable reading, hearing and speaking english than german. :-D

Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Ahzrarn » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 07:13

Dark Lúthien hat geschrieben:I'm better at talking than writing :lol: Much easier ^^ *talking gibberish* xD

Same as me. Got no problem with listening and speaking, but writing is on the other hand.
Once in a german pub, i met a few englishmen, and they took me as a real leimi :lol: .
Those people were extremly drunk, of course...
As a matter of fact, i never met an english subjekt who was sober :roll: .
@ Riu: did i mention sweet bacon?
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Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 30.05.2012
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Beitragvon Jagar » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 07:45

Ahzrarn hat geschrieben:@ Riu: did i mention sweet bacon?

I know, I know, the English food is not known as very delicous. But I guess, Hilaria could cook something good for me :lol:

Zoe St.Claire
Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Zoe St.Claire » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 14:42

And for meee! I want do go on a trip to Camebridge too.
And to Canterbury. My Cousin lives there.
In Spain the Americans (i didn't meet anyone from Britain) didn't thought I was american or british, but they didn't thought I was german too. So my th seems to be ok. I alway recognized the germans because of the th.
And the non-americans where from ireland. They talk strange too.
On guy recognized, that I talk diiferent from the other germans but with a slighly german accent. I told him, that i talk german with a little polish accent. So now i'm talking english with a polish-german accent and some british influence :mrgreen:

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 30.05.2012
Beiträge: 6674

Beitragvon Jagar » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 14:48

So, you're talking multicultural xD
But it is true. You can hear it most of the time, from what country the person is.
Ireland has a very funny accent, yeah ^^

Hilaria Felinely
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Beitragvon Hilaria Felinely » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 15:44

The Scots are the worst, seriously XD I had to listen to a recording of someone from New Cumnock and hardly understood anything. I thought this was because English is not my mothertongue but the other students in the course were like "Yeah, don't worry. We don't understand that much either!" :D Sounds really funny, though.

I'd love to cook for the both of you but I'm a terrible cook, really. Better get some English food (which is not that bad actually!). English Breakfast, for example, is delicious :)

Caddy, Canterbury is beautiful as well. A lovely little town :)
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.
There is no middle ground.

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 30.05.2012
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Beitragvon Jagar » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 15:54

But you have to taste first! I don't want to be poisoned in Enland xD

Welt des Dunkels
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Alter: 64
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Beitragvon Ahzrarn » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 16:07

Well, once i`d try ham`n`eggs, with orange juice an`all, and it wasn`t bad at all, but who would eat it each day? :)
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Dark Lúthien
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Beitragvon Dark Lúthien » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 16:23

I really really love Scottish accent *__* I really enjoy listening to Dr. Beckett - a character from the tv series Stargate Atlantis... His accent is so cute :hm2:

Zoe St.Claire
Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Zoe St.Claire » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 19:05

I met Jim from Scotland and a lot of people from ireland. I was hanging out with the Irish so I got used to their accent, but sometimes I had a hard time with Jim.
I'm not a big Fan of enlish food, because there is not a lot for vegetarians. Last time in London I stuck to Subways or chinese food. Or Love Bars from Pret A Manger. You know them? The most delicious thing on earth!

Hilaria Felinely
Welt des Zwielichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2008
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Beitragvon Hilaria Felinely » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 19:57

Scottish English
That's the example I had to listen to :D Amazing :D :D

I actually never had those Love Bars you're talking about, Caddy, but there's a Pret A Manger in Cambridge so I suppose I'll go there soon and try them :)

Naberius, why do you think you'd be poisened in England? As long as you don't say that Oxford is better than Cambridge you should be fine here XD
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.
There is no middle ground.

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 30.05.2012
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Beitragvon Jagar » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 20:00

So I should leave my "Oxford is better than Cambrigde"-shirt at home? D: What a pitty...

Hilaria Felinely
Welt des Zwielichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2008
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Beitragvon Hilaria Felinely » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 20:06

I'd love to see people's reaction to that :D They probably won't do anything just stare at you or something^^
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.
There is no middle ground.

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 30.05.2012
Beiträge: 6674

Beitragvon Jagar » Mi 24 Okt, 2012 20:10

I hope, they won't paddle me with paddles O.O
