Talkin' english

Held des Lichts
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Beitragvon WinkyElfi » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:40

Oh hi shere!
Nice to meet you :D
Thursday is okay for me, as I said, I always have time, ecxept wednesday
Well, I have to go now, good night *hugs everyone*

Shere Kahn
Held des Lichts
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Alter: 45
Registriert: 02.08.2005
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Beitragvon Shere Kahn » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:41

it is ... its amazing how fast You can loose Your skill. But otherwise its amazing how fast You can regain them afterwards ...

Thanks Hanutaheike, though it is definately work and stress at the beginning I start to feel comfotable with the yellow skin.

Good night Winky, see You

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:44

hehe shere didn't you always jhave a yellow ski? beeing a tiger? I gues seeing it this way you had some kind of preexperince the others didn't^^

ok thursday it is that;-)
cu winky
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 08.06.2007
Beiträge: 10053
Wohnort: Somewhere over the Rainbow

Beitragvon Avaríe » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:45

Ooh good night my little Killerelfchen *hug*
I hope that the new team will do a very good job and I believe they will. So I wish you a lot of luck so that you don't end like the old team

Goodbye to what was once dear to my Heart

Shere Kahn
Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 45
Registriert: 02.08.2005
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Beitragvon Shere Kahn » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:48

hehe, you might have thought so, but unfortunately its not the case. Perhaps I am a sibirian Tiger and have e white skin, though the name would be different ... it seems I have lost the chance to experiance something really special *laughing*

thanks again Hanutaheike, I am confident, I think I will just step back to give someone else the chance before letting the situation escalade like the last time.

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:52

hehe I'll write a version of the jungle book in sibira so it'll worl out ;-)

alright good luck from me too;-)
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 08.06.2007
Beiträge: 10053
Wohnort: Somewhere over the Rainbow

Beitragvon Avaríe » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:55

oh my god - I forgot that I'll write an English - test tomorrow!
I've got to go, I have to say
Good night everyone :)

Goodbye to what was once dear to my Heart

Shere Kahn
Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 45
Registriert: 02.08.2005
Beiträge: 14289

Beitragvon Shere Kahn » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:57

ouu be careful Harrik I may put You to Your word, so think twice befor making such an proposal ... :wink:
Thanks to You too. Maybe the hardest thing is to consider that every word you now write is not only a personal opinion, but has also the background of a Lehrer. So I have to be much more carefull what to say when, to avoid offending.

Goodby, though I think this thread is no bad exercise for an English test ...

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:57

hey ehy don't u learn with us here in this thread xDD

@ Shere hehe take me by my word if u want to I don't ussually intend to brake...not on purposs anyways, this time thoght...I allready write an online book right now(about the rights about dobby & co)

hehe I don't think you'll have a problem with that...your words allways seem to be well choosen!
Zuletzt geändert von Harrik am Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 08.06.2007
Beiträge: 10053
Wohnort: Somewhere over the Rainbow

Beitragvon Avaríe » Do 20 Sep, 2007 21:59

Well, but with this thread I don't learn all the things I have to know - Of course I train my English but the thread doesn't show me how to write a CV or a letter of application ;)
So good night *disappear*

Goodbye to what was once dear to my Heart

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:00

HanutaHeike hat geschrieben:Well, but with this thread I don't learn all the things I have to know - Of course I train my English but the thread doesn't show me how to write a CV or a letter of application ;)
So good night *disappear*

well if u want to we can help u with that too ;-)
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Shere Kahn
Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 45
Registriert: 02.08.2005
Beiträge: 14289

Beitragvon Shere Kahn » Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:05

hmm Hanutaheike thats right I can hardly help to write official letter in English.

Thats ok, I do not insist on having a sibiria Jungle book annyday soon.

Well thanks Harrik, but the problem is, I have to consider more now. I admit, thats a point I do not like very much, to be forced to hold me back sometimes and to be forced to say something even if I do not really wwant to. But That will become naturall soon, so I am looking into the future with a smile on my face ... :P

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:07

Well at least you seem to know how to handel a job and a possition as hard as your current one ,-)
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Shere Kahn
Held des Lichts
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 45
Registriert: 02.08.2005
Beiträge: 14289

Beitragvon Shere Kahn » Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:12

hehe lets hope so *laughing* or maybe I transform myself into a power loving monster like Mister Bush :P

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Do 20 Sep, 2007 22:15 I'd rather not live to see that happen to the Forum, but I don't think that will happen to u;-)
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