Talkin' english

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 16.10.2007
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Wohnort: LONDON....naja bald..noch in kiel

Beitragvon bluemoon » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:21

where is that party and is it tonight??
i haven't got a clue wich date it is today...
did u like the 7 th book?
Bild Bild
london calling at the top of the dial after all this, won't you give me a smile?
eigendlich **juli** °°

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:24

Welll...the 7th book, it was pretty good I guess...Her writing really improved(Don't get me wrong her writing was greate in 1 to 3 but it kinda...I dunno I thought it didn't have the deph of old in 4 5 and 6....)...
and I really liked the politcal part about it...and that annoying waiting for something to happen...
to write it this way was genious! bzut still... the first and third Book are my alltime favs;-)
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 16.10.2007
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Wohnort: LONDON....naja bald..noch in kiel

Beitragvon bluemoon » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:34

I luv the 3 and the 5 th book..i kinda disliked the 2 and the 7..yeah i mean her writing has denfentely improved ..but still i don't like the content of that book
to much fighting and stuff like don't eaven have time to grief for some people plus my 3 fav characters died..
.oh my gosh i was soo sad..or actually i still am
Bild Bild
london calling at the top of the dial after all this, won't you give me a smile?
eigendlich **juli** °°

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:42

I missed Hogwarts a lot in the last chapter of the serie...I always felt kinda at home at Hogwarts and was keen on the describtion of any little scene just because of the castle...just like harry^^ But I guess that just makes the 7th part more powerfull... But you are right! There is too much fighting, and not wnought reall reasoning...I mean: sure it is packed with explanations but this harrypottercharm is somehow missing out a bit...:-?

yea 3 is great and to is kinda...I dunno great but NOT THAT GREAT! I mean...not as good as the other ones....

I dunno about 5 thought..umbridge was annoying, so was dubledores attitude and siriusdeath was hurtfull...
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 16.10.2007
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Wohnort: LONDON....naja bald..noch in kiel

Beitragvon bluemoon » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:52

mh...i liked teh fact that it diden't took part at hogwarts..kinda something different it varied a bit more
but i hated the fact that tonks lupin and snape died..i really kinda loved i dunno a sort of a firend or something...i know sounds weird now..but i really spend much time with that books so i kinda got connected with some characters
Bild Bild
london calling at the top of the dial after all this, won't you give me a smile?
eigendlich **juli** °°

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 21:56

I was just thinking if we should use spoiler here, but then I thought: This is the english thread! people who read and write here will have read the book allready!

Hm yes it was something diffrent, but still..I love that crazy castle!!!! It ist like a material synonym for adventure!...about remus nymphadora and severous...they were some of the finest persons one could read about.....But i guess that made there death nessessary! i mean, if u read the book you will realise: not tom dies...that generation of war died..and they were importent parts of it.... I just whish them the best for the next great albus called it!
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 16.10.2007
Beiträge: 96
Wohnort: LONDON....naja bald..noch in kiel

Beitragvon bluemoon » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:08

i don't think tonks and remus had to die..ok severus i can actually understand but...there was no reason for their death i wasen't dicribet or was just nothing....after i read the sentence..and it just was a sentee i found myself really straing in disbelief at that stupid book(sorry) ..i...woah i was so upset..i actually sliced open the back of my book :()
Bild Bild
london calling at the top of the dial after all this, won't you give me a smile?
eigendlich **juli** °°

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:14

I guess i can understand u but on the otehr hand: Sirius and james were dead, peter had turned to the dark was kinda obvious that remus would die, and if he would tonks would...I was upset too, but I understood that he would be at least a bit happy to be reunited with his frinds, don't u think? I mean the dialog between him and harry in Grimaultplace shows that he was not at all happy with his life...sad about there son thought...
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Victor Krum
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Beitragvon Victor Krum » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:22

Guys - do you think it's a good idea to talk about book 7 openly?

Because someone hasn't read the book yet, that doesn't mean they can't understand what you talk about here...

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 32
Registriert: 16.10.2007
Beiträge: 96
Wohnort: LONDON....naja bald..noch in kiel

Beitragvon bluemoon » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:23

yeah.. but he wasen't happy because he thought he could never be with tonks..and he made himself reproaches..and stuff like taht..but i think he was taking it too serious with the werewolf stuff...

yeah right ok sorry..i'll stopp..but how do u do spoilers?
Zuletzt geändert von bluemoon am Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:25, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Bild Bild
london calling at the top of the dial after all this, won't you give me a smile?
eigendlich **juli** °°

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
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Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:24

Well if they would...why wouldn't they have read the book yet??

I was thinking about it, but figured, that all the people how 've ever been in this thread - as far as i know- have read the last chapter!
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...


Beitragvon Mimmi » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:27

So, jetzt ist hier aber mal Schluss. Ich glaube ihr beiden habt die Regeln vergessen, was?
Nur weil jemand das Buch nicht auf englisch liesst, heisst das nicht, das er es nicht versteht und in dem ihr das hier öffentlich diskutiert nehmt ihr vielen den Spass am lesen.
Ich werde jetzt eure posts alle in Spoiler setzen und dann mal sehen...
Zuletzt geändert von Mimmi am Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Victor Krum
Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 38
Registriert: 25.09.2005
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Wohnort: Köln

Beitragvon Victor Krum » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:27

There are lots of people who look into threads but never write - and it's a huge difference between reading a book in English and understanding a single sentence.

But as I see - the postings are already being spoilered - what fantastic Lehrers we have!

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
Beiträge: 16750
Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:32

Well I guess if u feel it is better that way...u are the teacher,,,I just thought,...I mean tomorrow it is published in German :roll:
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...


Beitragvon Mimmi » Fr 26 Okt, 2007 22:36

Ja Harrik, morgen und das heisst nicht, das man auch morgen damit durch ist. Willst du ernsthaft den Fans, die sich da riesig drauf freuen ihren Spass nehmen? Nicht umsonst gibt es das Spoilerforum, also bitte...
