Talkin' english

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 13:40

Ok well, I guess you are right Wehwalt. even so the word "like" is deffently used a lot even by people whos language wouldn't qualify as slang^^

So its canada, is it? pretty cool country in more than one way, my host dad is canadien, I gonna talk to him later today ^^
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Held des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Wehwalt » So 24 Feb, 2008 13:51

Maybe it is used in spoken language, but not written.

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 13:54

Right of corse, but in this and many other threads on rather writes the way one talks ;-)
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Spion des Bösen
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » So 24 Feb, 2008 13:57

Alright, suppose I was just a bit too lazy to write formal, sorry for that.

Well yea, considering that not everyone is fluent in English already I should take care a bit, true... though the thing with "not taught yet" and such, true true, it's like giving bad marks for knowing too much, and that's not the sense of LEARNING something, is it.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:03

Well maybe they jut gibe you bad marks becaus you didn't learn something in the right period of time, they gave you a timefram to learn sth. you were unable to do so, since you had learnd it already, so they gave you a bad mark 'cause you didn'r fullfill the task givven...pretty bad cencept thought, I'd say;-)
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Held des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Wehwalt » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:11

Well I concede, the thread's name is "Talkin' english" (not even "Talking English") - so I am afraid you win. Harriks writing is not very apt to learning English from anyway --- so continue as you like.

Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:15

LOL, yea, could be another reason =D Damn, that would be even worse. I mean, as if it's not stupid enough to figure out exactly WHAT word she wants to know this time...
Though, best thing was that she spontaneously decided to forbid American English..! I was writing "anymore" in some test, like, anymore. Nothing wrong with it, in my opinion. Me asking teacher: "Er, so, what was wrong about that?" and she went: "Well, that's American English, since now we only write British English, and anymore is 'any more' in British. So you got the worse mark." :o That was seriously the most stupid thing I ever heard of. I mean, she never handeled it that way. Just SINCE I WROTE anymore. I have the feeling she tries to let me look worse than her, because she actually knows her English ain't much better than mine, if at all. Once she came to my desk and went: "Lucy, come to the blackboard please, EVEN SOU (though) you already have an oral mark." I was all in tears! :lol:
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
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Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:17

No, I mean I think you are righht, we should not slang about as much as we did, but maybe find some middleway, with witch we are able to talk in a rather spoken language and none the less wirte in a way witch anyone can comprehend, and in so doing we might help thos witch are even moire than we are in a learning process of this beatyfull language ?!
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Wehwalt » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:33

Well, you will get behind this bitch some day, Natha. But still, I think with her blaming American spelling she has a point in some way. You should at least know the differences between American and British. But of course she has to tell you before what she demands.
Still, she seems to be very envious (or envios? whatever you prefer) of you. It is difficult with such persons, but do not let her pull you down.

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
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Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 14:45

Well I just hate it it teachers are usure of themself and try to hide this by making one look worse, my history teacher is this way, evry time I ask a question that goes really into the topic, she is like....oh thats completly stupid to ask and has nothig to do with it......and then just starts at some otehr point...

But I guess it can be fun to make fun of thos teachers if they don not realise it sometimes^^
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Spion des Bösen
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » So 24 Feb, 2008 15:12

I won't, Wehwalt, thanks for encouraging =) Damn yes, well, I'm used to speaking a mix of both, though I know which words belong to American or British... She allowed me to say "I guess" instead of "I suppose", and i asked her "But isn't 'guess' a rather American expression?" She didn't have an answer. For me it doesn't matter with such things like "anymore", it's not like the difference between "lift" and "elevator", is it? Anyway, just about 1.5 years left and I'll be out of that. Studying can't be worse, it just can't. I just wish I would actually learn something in those lessons, but I have to admit I seriously don't. Repeating conditionals and gerund doesn't seem like moving forward to me, but probably I got a completely different view, compared with my teacher.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
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Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 15:16

Hihi I have to agree about the just boring, but since my teachers let me read books in english, if they are written in english (and I hardly read books in any other language anymore), I ok with it^^

Anyways guys, I gotta go, so read u later I hope;-)
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Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 25.10.2005
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Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon NathaRiddle » So 24 Feb, 2008 15:17

Yea, just wanted to tell I want to go outside and spend my time in the beauty of sun and warmth... weather is just awesome today. Have fun! Write us later.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
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Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » So 24 Feb, 2008 20:46

Hey, I am back :P

Anyone here at all??
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 25.10.2005
Beiträge: 3283
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Mo 25 Feb, 2008 16:58

Well, I wasn't there that time lol. But I'll sure stay for a while now. Anyone out there?
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)