Talkin' english

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Beitragvon *Haramis* » Mo 25 Feb, 2008 19:29

ohh thats also a way.. I`ll think a little bit about this possiblility XD
do you play any other instruments?
ähmm sorry when i`m too curious.. but do you`re still in school? so do you write next week or so your first exam?? (abi!)
♥ ♥ ♥Kombi by xXxHannahxXx♥ ♥ ♥

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Beitragvon Harrik » Mo 25 Feb, 2008 20:09

Well, I am still in school, but I don't write my exams this year..^^ I spend a year in the us, so I had to repeat, and I had to do preschool twice because I meoved while you usually start school from one place to another, so I didn't get the start...thats why I am kinda behind, but I don't mind...I' m just kinda doing school along with evrything else^^
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

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Beitragvon ~Arwen~ » Di 26 Feb, 2008 16:46

Hey Harrik!
How you're doing?
I'm so happy, that I meet someone here. Everyone told me to come here, because I live in England, but everytime I came here, no one was there... :schnief:
But now you are here and I hope, you like to talk a little :huepf:
Edward & Bella

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Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 16:55

I sure do ;-)

So u are living in england? That sounds pretty cool! I'm afraid I am not too good at speaking "oxford english" ,since my english is rather american^^
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Welt des Lichts
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Alter: 31
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Beitragvon ~Arwen~ » Di 26 Feb, 2008 17:08


Yes, I do^^ Yes, it is, but it's also really expensive, compared to Germany. That's no problem! My boyfriend was bourne in America, so I have no problem woth american english. I'm travelling much, so my english isn't the typical oxford english :D
Edward & Bella

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
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Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 17:33

Traveling ? Sounds like fun to me. Where do ya travell? just england, or all of britain? ...I always wanted to do a backpack trip 'round wales and ireland, maybe I'll do it sometime this summer, 'd be fun!

So what english do you speak?Cockney?
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Di 26 Feb, 2008 18:08

You're seriously English? How did you find out about that forum? Learning German? Just curious, sorry. By the way, as far as I know, England is quite cheap, at least I made that experience when I was travelling to Liverpool and all the area around Mersey River... actually the only expensive town I remember is London, but maybe I'm not quite informed... so, where exactly do you live there? Oh and btw, how comes you got a German e-mail account? Sorry, but that's quite suspicious, lol.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
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Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 19:35

Well as far as I know London can be cheap aswell if you are ready to live wothout any...well they'd call it quality I'd call it luxery^^
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Di 26 Feb, 2008 19:45

Well neh, if you really wanna survive... you gotta know where to go. There's such an awesome pub near Victoria Train Station, there's like breakfast for 6£ :D All you can possibly think of - baked beans, bacon, sausages, chips, for sure some mushrooms and even some vegetables. Well 6£ for such a huge plate is like almost free LOL, and you can even feed two persons with that, at least that worked with me and my boyfriend XD London is awesome anyway, even without money - pubs cider's cheap enough to have some each night LOL! :lol:
So, yea, it sure CAN be cheap actually, but if you wanna enjoy the city with all senses - money is like essential, if you don't plan to stay and get drunk all time lol.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
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Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 19:59

well I do not nessesarryly minf getting drunk all the time...:P Well no, London is expensive sure, but hey, I'd rather have some cheap place to stay, and I'll buy food at the supermarked, than having a 4 star hotel and are just so muchcloser to the city!
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

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Geschlecht: Weiblich
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Di 26 Feb, 2008 20:01

Well yeh, I wasn't talking bout that kind of luxury crap =D Sure sucks. What's a frickin hotel in London for anyway. I'd be out of it all day.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
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Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 20:12

Right, and if need be one can sleep in some park...even so that IS dangerous in London!
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

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Geschlecht: Weiblich
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Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Di 26 Feb, 2008 20:25

:lol: I just wanted to say... "Hey, btw, guard, I planned to frickin sleep don't frickin wake me up okay, cuz I'm planning to sleep in...!" ^^ I bed he'd be pleased a lot.
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)

Welt des Lichts
Alter: 36
Registriert: 10.08.2005
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Wohnort: Across the Universe

Beitragvon Harrik » Di 26 Feb, 2008 20:28

Well it is't so much 'bout the guards, u can easily hide from them at night...if you still have anything on you, soon as u wake up is an entirely other question^^
... Fast 15 Jahre Lila Forum ...

Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 25.10.2005
Beiträge: 3283
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitragvon NathaRiddle » Di 26 Feb, 2008 21:05

:lol: another nice thought I better not think of, if imagining myself in that crap!
Gall pechod mawr ddyfod trwy ddrws bychan
(A great sin can enter by a small door)