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Das geheime Doppelleben des Lord V.

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 15.03.2009
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Wohnort: Godric's Hollow oder Hogwarts

Das geheime Doppelleben des Lord V.

Beitragvon snitchet » Do 27 Mai, 2010 16:01

Eigentlich hab ich im Internet etwas ganz anderes gesucht.
Irgendwann stolperte ich über Voldemort-Pics, dann hab ich einfach einmal "Voldemort" in Google-Bilder eingegeben.......was ich dabei gefunden habe ist wirklich unglaublich!

Das geheime Doppelleben des Lord Voldemort!
Oder hättet Ihr's gedacht????
Mad Carrot hats herausgefunden! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Double Life:
Voldie's an old man now, see, and he spends a lot of time sitting around idle, because you can't just spend all of your day plotting and scheming and coming up with elaborate ways to kill your arch-nemesis as opposed to just hiring a hit-man to shoot him when he's sitting on the toilet.

Imagine how fragile his poor nerves must be, constantly worrying about whether Lucius is going to stop fussing over his hair, or whether Goyle Sr. will try to pick his nose through his mask next time he's trying to make an important and Very Evil speech. Bellatrix's fish died the other day, she flushed it. Well, she said it died before she flushed it, anyway. And Macnair forgot his lunch when he went to work yesterday. Plus, Fenrir brought fleas into the hideout again. It's really not good for the carpet.

So when Voldie's not gardening, he's sitting in his rocking chair knitting. He likes scarves, and those funny socks with individual toes. He knit Nagini the best tube-scarf last month. He's finally getting the hang of those diamond patterns.



Außerdem - sehen so Todfeinde aus????
Ich behaupte: Nein!



Was für eine Story wollte uns JKR da eigentlich auftischen????? Ist ja schlimmer als Rita Kimmkorn :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
>> Stolze Hogwarts-Schülerin - mit gelb im Wappen und lila im Herzen !!! <<

Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 30
Registriert: 30.07.2008
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Beitragvon Ashlyn » Do 27 Mai, 2010 20:27


Toll gefunden, snitchet! Das ist echt lustig. Vorallem sieht Voldy ja total süß aus, wie er da näht. <3 :lol:
Und ich wusste immer, dass Voldy und Dumby ein Verhältnis haben...

Ach, apropos Voldy... Kennt ihr schon die 100 Dinge, mit denen man Voldemort ärgern kann? (naja, es sind in echt 103 :lol: )

Hier mal im Spoiler, sonst wirds zu lang, für die, die es nicht interessiert. :P
1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up by singing Beach Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. As he's plotting dark deeds, pretend to cough and mutter things like 'Not gonna work, or 'stupid.'

6. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

10. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again.

11. If you ever need to say 'Like taking candy from a baby', be sure to add 'Of course, SOME of us might find that harder than others.' Stare pointedly at him.

12. Play 'knock-&-run' at his bedchamber door late at night.

13. Call him 'The-Man-Who-Let-the-Boy-Live.'

14. Ask why the Dark Mark couldn't look like something 'more socially acceptable?'

15. Insist that you have met chunks of cheese with more cunning plans than his.

16. Pinch him. Make sure he squeals.

17. Be cheerful.

18. When he tries to impress you with his powers, say 'Awwwww, lookit. Voldie's got a twiggle!'

19. Try to teach him to play a mouth organ.

20. Roll your eyes during plotting sessions and say things under your breath like 'You're the boss, boss' or 'It's your funeral.'

21. Greet him in the mornings with a sarcastic 'My sir, you look particularly menacing today.'

22. Taunt him about his middle name. 'Marvolo? What's that - a washing detergent?'

23. Keep a 'good-behaviour chart'. Award points and give out gold stars.

24. Magic-marker Potter-style glasses on him while he sleeps.

25. Apparate into and out of his room rapidly. Do this non-stop for an hour. *poof* there *poof* gone *poof* there...

26. Play cards with him. Tell him he has no poker-face and how does he expect to rule supreme without one?

27. Let off party-poppers in his face whenever the urge strikes you.

28. 'Did you even HAVE a girlfriend? Like, ever?'

29. Get a pair of finger puppets closely resembling himself and Harry Potter. Re-enact all of Harry's victories over him in a spectacularly childish way. Be sure to give them both squeaky voices.

30. Anytime he enters any room, insist on entering first and announcing him grandly.

31. In these announcements, fake a trumpet noise and give him an equally fake drumroll.

32. Exclaim sarcastically 'You're breakin' my little heart here, O Dark One' whenever he starts to talk of what caused him to become who he is.

33. Encourage him to 'think happy thoughts!'

34. Ask him to give you written summaries of his sinister plots for revenge and war. Correct his spelling.

35. Mock his choice of Quirrell as a 'host.'

36. Tell you think a yoga class could 'cure him of his wicked ways.'

37. Get the song 'Mr. Tambourine Man' stuck in his head.

38. If he's having evil-plotter's-block in one of his scheming sessions, 'Wingardium Leviosa' a light bulb to float above his head. Turn it on. Look offended when he gets angry and say you thought you were helping!

39. Tell him constantly to stop repressing his anger.

40. Buy him a stress ball.

41. Hint that he is only a character in a book and will never triumph.

42. Call him Tommy-boy.

43. If you're feeling gutsy, call him Voldie-poo.

44. Whack him in the arm and say 'mosquito' - every few minutes.

45. Say he 'looked better under the turban.'

46. Eat his pet snake. Offer him some.

47. Endeavour to teach him to steeple his fingers, lean back and say 'Eeeexcellent'.

48. Start drawing outlandish parallels between his life story and 'Star Wars'. Talk at great length.

49. Be generally in awe of him and never look away.

50. 'Imperio' his Death Eaters into a rousing chorus of 'All Things Bright And Beautiful.'

51. Shower him with confetti and rice, anytime you think he needs to make a 'grand entry.'

52. Paint all the Death Eater masks with bright colours and glitter.

53. Throw him a 'Carebears'-themed birthday party.

54. Tell him what Snape's really up to.

55. Politely exclaim now and again that you don't know how he can be so afraid of dear old Dumbles.

56. Sing 'California Dreamin' at the top of your lungs when he's trying to have an 'evil moment.'

57. Should you ever be eating with him - drum tunes with your cutlery, play with your food and blow bubbles in your chocolate milk.

58. Ask him to dance a polka with you.

59. Work cutesy phrases like 'pushing-up-daisies' and 'smooth-as-a-baby's-bottom' into conversation as much as possible.

60. Ask him if he's sure 'the whole evil-maniac-out-for-power-and-revenge thing isn't getting a bit old?'

61. Get him to play 'Twister' with you.

62. Tell him you know this great therapist in London....

63. Throw Tupperware parties. Insist he sit through them.

64. Tell him you've met plently of people more evil than he.

65. Hide his teddy bear. That ALWAYS makes him cry.

66. Get him a plant. Act mortally offended when he doesn't water it and it dies.

67. Steal, snap and bury his wand.

68. Tell him Lucius did it.

69. Give Rita Skeeter full knowledge of his whereabouts and contact details.

70. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

71. Write him a theme song. Start singing it whenever he is about to do or say something particularly clever and nasty.

72. Offer to sacrifice Draco Malfoy 'to the cause.'

73. Insist on reading him bedtime stories. Include 'The Ugly Duckling.'

74. Make vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son.

75. When he's done something particularly nasty - cross your arms, waggle a finger and say 'Now now, do you really think Salazar would have approved of that?'

76. Ask him how he can possibly wish to harm a single hair on the head of 'that sweet, innocent, cute little boy.'

77. Tell him Wormtail has a crush on him.

78. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophecy."

79. Leave disgusting and rotting dead things near him. Insist that it is 'Aromatherapy.'

80. Begin any question you ask him with 'Riddle me this!' Emphasis on Riddle.

81. Do not EVER act in the slightest way intimidated by him. Treat him as you would an eccentric aquaintance.

82. Cuddle him at random moments.

83. Be Harry Potter. Be Alive.

84. Ask him why he's afraid of a frail old man with a beard the size of a beehive and can't fight babies.

85. Throw biscuits at him. Constantly.

86. Tell him you think evil master plans of world domination are 'kind of girlie.'

87. Quote Argus Filch. Insist HE will one day rule the wizarding world.

88. Wonder aloud whether the name Voldemort commands as much respect as, say, Potter or Dumbledore.

89. Mimic everything he says in a sing-song voice.

90. Mimic everything he does with exaggerated limb-movements.

91.Three Words: Potter Puppet Pals.

92. Insist he help you with the newspaper crossword every morning.

93. Follow a few paces behind him, spraying everything he touches with a can of disinfectant.

94. Tell people he's 'really just a big softie.'

95. Psychoanalyze him. Conclude that he is 'mildy depressed' and 'a bit of a control-freak.'

96. Mock his baldness.

97. Smile and say loudly 'Who loves you, Volders?' at inopportune moments. (Ie: another of his attempted 'evil moments')

98. Get him drunk.

99. Drag out a banjo at Death Eater revels and start playing 'Kumbayah.'

100. Let him catch you trying on Death Eater robes.

Suggested By The Fans:

101. Write rude things in his diary and see what it says back.

102. Post the location of all his Horcruxes on Twitter

103. Have a dress up like Voldemort day. Do face paints and everything.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing | Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before | But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token [...] | poe (the raven)

Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 02.09.2008
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Wohnort: kühlungsborn

Beitragvon Echse » Fr 28 Mai, 2010 17:33

XD Voldie beim stricken XD

hier hab ich noch zwei aber Vorsicht nach dem ersten kann man den ach so dunklen Lord nicht mehr ernst nehmen XD




Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 15.03.2009
Beiträge: 2538
Wohnort: Godric's Hollow oder Hogwarts

Beitragvon snitchet » Mo 31 Mai, 2010 15:14

Echse, ich kann die Bilder leider nicht sehen - nur das berühmte rote x :(
Kannst Du's noch einmal versuchen, bitte?
>> Stolze Hogwarts-Schülerin - mit gelb im Wappen und lila im Herzen !!! <<

Weißer Magier
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Beitragvon ~Julia~ » Mo 31 Mai, 2010 15:29

Ich kann die auch nicht sehen! :-/

Kombi by Jessi,
Forenschwester von Tata.

Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Nyala » Mo 31 Mai, 2010 15:30

Ihr könnt auch auf die Links klicken, da gehts ;)
Geniale Bilder, Echse - einfach genial :mrgreen2:

Spion des Bösen
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 02.09.2008
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Wohnort: kühlungsborn

Beitragvon Echse » Mo 31 Mai, 2010 19:11

Spongbob :lol2:

Welt des Zwielichts
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Beitragvon zissy » Mo 31 Mai, 2010 19:13

Die Idee und die Bilder sind ja mal genial :mrgreen2:
Voldi ist dabei ja nun wirklich sehr harmlos^^
"Alle Träume klingen verrückt bis sie wahr werden."
- Dirk Nowitzki

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 15.03.2009
Beiträge: 2538
Wohnort: Godric's Hollow oder Hogwarts

Beitragvon snitchet » Mi 09 Jan, 2013 19:12

Tscha..... is zwar auch nicht mehr ganz so aktuell, aber trotzdem - wenn ich mir vorstelle, Tom Riddle hätte während seine Abschlussjahres in Hogwarts so ausgesehen - also ich wäre glatt zur Todesserin mutiert....



Zuletzt geändert von snitchet am Sa 28 Dez, 2013 01:57, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
>> Stolze Hogwarts-Schülerin - mit gelb im Wappen und lila im Herzen !!! <<

Held des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Wehwalt » Mi 09 Jan, 2013 20:57

Wir sollten einfach auch mal den Titel "Threadarchäologe des Monats" vergeben. Ich kannte das alles noch nicht, aber ich bin begeistert. Voldi strickend - nett. Schals geht - dachte mit ja gleich, daß Socken für Hauselfen unter seiner Würde seien!

Vorsicht snitchet - Du wolltest Dich nicht verlieben dieses Jahr.

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 15.03.2009
Beiträge: 2538
Wohnort: Godric's Hollow oder Hogwarts

Beitragvon snitchet » Mi 09 Jan, 2013 21:47

Wehwalt hat geschrieben:Vorsicht snitchet - Du wolltest Dich nicht verlieben dieses Jahr.

Pffffhhh.....hast recht........nicht einmal wenn das der Nachbar von nebenan wäre! Bild
Danke für die Erinnerung, Marcus!

Muss erst noch alle Bruchstücke meines Herzens zusammenklauben, hoffentlich krieg ich die überhaupt noch einmal alle zusammen....
Extrem knifflig diesmal, wird noch dauern, das dauert noch.

Ich schätze die Fotos sind so aus der Zeit zwischen 1980 und 1990.
Aber schnucklig war er scho, der "Voldi"..........
Zuletzt geändert von snitchet am Fr 18 Jan, 2013 13:55, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
>> Stolze Hogwarts-Schülerin - mit gelb im Wappen und lila im Herzen !!! <<

Amalthea Pan
Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Amalthea Pan » Do 10 Jan, 2013 00:43

....bis sich dann seine Nase zurück gebildet hat :mrgreen:

Welt des Lichts
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Registriert: 15.03.2009
Beiträge: 2538
Wohnort: Godric's Hollow oder Hogwarts

Beitragvon snitchet » Fr 11 Jan, 2013 12:10

Ja - ich kann nicht verstehen, was ihm an seiner Nase nicht gefallen hat :-)

Obwohl ... bei diesen Augen....wer braucht da die Nase???? :twisted:

Wehwalt hat geschrieben:Wir sollten einfach auch mal den Titel "Threadarchäologe des Monats" vergeben. Ich kannte das alles noch nicht, aber ich bin begeistert.

Krieg ich ein "gefällt mir" von dir, für dieses Posting ??? *schmeichel* :wink: :wink: :wink:
Zuletzt geändert von snitchet am Do 04 Apr, 2013 12:25, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
>> Stolze Hogwarts-Schülerin - mit gelb im Wappen und lila im Herzen !!! <<

Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Ripper » Sa 26 Jan, 2013 12:21

Wehwalt hat geschrieben:Wir sollten einfach auch mal den Titel "Threadarchäologe des Monats" vergeben. Ich kannte das alles noch nicht, aber ich bin begeistert. Voldi strickend - nett. Schals geht - dachte mit ja gleich, daß Socken für Hauselfen unter seiner Würde seien!

Vorsicht snitchet - Du wolltest Dich nicht verlieben dieses Jahr.

Geht mir auch so.
Unglaublich was die Fans etc. alles zusammenbasteln.

So wirkt Voldi irgendwie gleich noch netter :lol:

Jaqueline Tiber
Welt des Zwielichts
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Beitragvon Jaqueline Tiber » Di 19 Feb, 2013 00:55

Ich wusste es doch immer: Die ganzen Geschichten um den bösen Voldi sind in Wirklichkeit nur eine Verschwörung, losgetreten vom Tagespropheten, JK Rowling und des St Mungus, die dadurch ja mehr Patienten kriegen, wenn man alle auf einander hetzt.
