Moderator: Weltenrichter
von Nyala » Fr 16 Dez, 2011 14:46
von snitchet » Fr 16 Dez, 2011 14:50
von Harrik » Fr 16 Dez, 2011 15:05
von Zoe St.Claire » Fr 16 Dez, 2011 15:10
von Amarylia » Fr 16 Dez, 2011 19:25
Harrik hat geschrieben:
When Christmas hit Middlearth
Usually in Middleearth things are rather tough,
Epic Battles, mighty beasts and that isn't saying enough!
But One time, let me tell you 'bout, all that was quite 'reverse'
That was, when for reasons no one knows, Christmas hit Middleearth.
From the Icebay of Forochel to the Sea of Núrn'
Snow was falling heavily, to cover every turn.
All the Ents were shivering and Treebeard got quite upset.
All the endless sneezing, had colored his nose red.
Not in Rohan, nor in Gondor, was fighting to be found,
Not in Mirkwood not in Lórien could one hear an arrows sound.
All that endless fighting had come to a sudden halt
And nowhere in all middleearth did happen an assault.
All the Orcs were singing an wearing pointy hats,
Shelob was brewing punch and putting ornaments in her nets,
Some trolls were dancing polka and laughing all the time,
While the wizards were wondering 'bout all of this and drinking barrels of wine.
The only who seemed to have any clue, how all this could possibly be,
Was Tom Bombadillo who was traveling around with a huge sledge and he
was cloaked in a snowy overall and a reddish hood,
and when asked about, he answer in a rhyme no one understood.
von Harrik » Sa 17 Dez, 2011 12:47
von Larien » So 18 Dez, 2011 20:16
von snitchet » So 18 Dez, 2011 22:54
von Wehwalt » So 18 Dez, 2011 23:12
von Kyle » So 18 Dez, 2011 23:15
von Wehwalt » So 18 Dez, 2011 23:20
von Kyle » So 18 Dez, 2011 23:22
von Wehwalt » So 18 Dez, 2011 23:24
von Larien » Mo 19 Dez, 2011 18:11